External Job Offers

  • In the list below, you will find current vacancies for interns and young professionals in the financial sector.
  • We also send job offers via our career newsletter. Note that for a registration, you need to visit the German version of our website. 
  • In addition, the KIT Career Service accompanies students and doctoral candidates in all aspects of career, internship, and career entry.
Vacancies for career starters and trainee programs
Company Description Starting Date Job Posting Contact
Boerse Stuttgart Group  flexible Job Posting (German) Frank Westermayer, Phone: +49 (0) 711 222 985-365 
Metzler Asset Management flexible Job Posting (German)  Julien Wisbar, Phone: +49 (0) 69 2104-1741
Vattenfall GmbH flexible Job Posting Tim Schulze (tim.schulze@vattenfall.de)