April 3, 2024: Our chair holder Prof. Dr. Marliese Uhrig-Homburg has been appointed by the DFG to the selection committee for the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for an initial term of three years. The prestigious prize is awarded annually to outstanding scientists at an early stage of their careers and is intended as an incentive to pursue their scientific careers. We congratulate Prof. Uhrig-Homburg on this position and wish her every success on the jury.
More about the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize
April 3, 2024: The Gaul Lecture Award, conferred annually, honors a preeminent international scholar whose exceptional contributions have profoundly shaped an area of research in the fields of mathematics, economics, or computer science. This year, the KIT Depatment of Economics and Management is awarding this prize to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Josef Zechner, Professor of Finance and Investments at WU Wien and Co-head of the Research Institute for Capital. On Thursday, April 11, 2024, Prof. Zechner will give the public Gaul Lecture on the topic: "Externalities and the Objective of the Firm in Capitalist Economies" from 16:00-17:30. We look forward to welcoming everyone interested. The lecture will take place at the KIT-Campus South in building 10.11, room 223 (Alter Senatssaal).
Further Information

April 3, 2024: The review for the exams of winter semester 2023/24 will take place on Monday, April 22, 2024 at Blücherstraße 17 (building 09.21) in room 124. Further information can be found via the link below.
Further Information (German)
January 19, 2024: In the upcoming summer semester, we are offering the Master's seminar in Finance with the topic "Quantitative Trading Competition". Further information can be found here and on the Wiwi-Portal.
Announcement (German)
December 20, 2023: On January 10, 2024, there will be another meeting of our Women Inspire and Network in Finance at our office in Blücherstraße in room 320. Our graduate Hanna Wang will present her master thesis "Green Taste and Mutual Funds in Germany" at 11:45 am. We are looking forward to the exchange!
November 7, 2023: On Friday, November 10, 2023, at 11:30 on Campus B, there will be a practical lecture on Economic and Rates Markets Outlook by Daniel Lenz from DZ BANK AG. We welcome everyone who is interested!
October 16, 2023: The exam review for the the summer semester 2023 will take place on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at our office at Blücherstraße 17 (building 09.21) in room 124. You can find more information via the link below.
Further Information (German)
October 12, 2023: The annual conference of the German Finance Association (DGF), in which members of our department participated, took place at the University of Hohenheim from September 28 to 30, 2023. Caroline Grauer, Tobias Kargus and Marcel Müller were allowed to present their current research projects there.
Further Information
September 4, 2023: In the upcoming winter term, we will offer a video seminar for Bachelor and Master students. Within the seminar, a sub-topic from our lectures is to be scientifically prepared in the form of an eLearning video. Application deadline is October 8, 2023.
Further Information
July 10, 2023: On July 18, 2023 Daniel Lenz, Head of Strategy Euro Interest Rate Markets at DZ BANK AG, will join us and give a lecture on the economy and financial markets. The lecture will take place instead of our lecture "Investments" at 2:00 pm at Gaede-HS. We are looking forward to many interested people!
Finance Frontiers
July 6, 2023: In the upcoming winter semester we offer the Bachelor Seminar in Finance with the topic "Personal Finance". Further information can be found here.
June 14, 2023: Louis Skowronek's bachelor thesis was awarded the BAI Science Prize. We congratulate warmly!
Awarded Theses
May 3, 2023: Prof. Uhrig-Homburg, Ms. Grauer and Ms. Klaus, the scientists of our institute, cordially invite all female students to a first meeting of the Women Inspire and Network in Finance (WIN in Finance @ KIT) on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 4 pm in our atrium at Campus B (building 09.21). We are looking forward to many interested women!
April 25, 2023: On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, Kevin Wolter from PwC will give a lecture on the regulation of derivative financial instruments at 3:45 pm in HSI (building 30.35). The lecture will take place instead of our Derivatives exercise. Interested parties are welcome to attend!
Finance Frontiers
April 17, 2023: The review for exams of the winter semester 2022/23 will take place on April 26, 2023 at our office in Blücherstraße 17 (building 09.21). You can find more information under the link below.
Further Information (German)
March 13, 2023: Our research assistant Matthias Molnar has won the Study Award of the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation 2022 with his master's thesis "Understanding Biases in Option Returns - A Simulative Approach". We congratulate!
Awarded Theses
February 2, 2023: In the coming semester, we will offer a seminar entitled "Big Data in Finance" for Master's students. The application deadline for the first allocation round is February 8. More information can be found here.
AnnouncementNovember 8, 2022: Also this semester we would like to discuss current topics around the financial market with you and guests from practice and science in a relaxed CoFi round. If you find this exciting and would like to join in the discussion, simply zoom in next Wednesday, November 9, 2022 from 13:00 to 14:00. In this session we will talk together with Dr. Martin Hain (BASF Intertrade AG) and Tobias Kargus (KIT) about current developments in the energy and commodity markets. All further dates/information about CoFi can be found via the link below.
More information about CoFi
November 2, 2022: On Friday, November 4, 2022 from 11:30 - 13:00, Mr. Daniel Lenz, Head of Euro Rates Markets Strategy at DZ Bank AG, will give a presentation as part of our course Bond Markets. He will report on the outlook for the upcoming winter with regard to financial markets. The official announcement can be found via the link below.
October 21, 2022: The review for exams of the summer semester 2022 will take place on November 3, 2022 at our office in Blücherstraße 17 (building 09.21). You can find more information under the link below.
Further Information (German)
September 14, 2022: In the upcoming winter semester, we will offer the course Bond Markets which covers the fundamentals of pricing fixed income securities and highlights interest rate, credit and liquidity risks. The lecture can be combined into a module together with the two sister courses Bond Markets - Tools and Applications and Bond Markets - Models and Derivatives both of which will also take place in the upcoming winter semester. We would be happy to welcome you to these events!
Here you will find an article illustrating the relevance of the topics covered in light of the current turnaround in interest rates, as well as a brief overview of the courses. All further information can be found via the link below.
Further Information
August 24, 2022: In the coming semester we offer a video seminar for Bachelor and Master students. The goal of the seminar is to scientifically prepare a sub-topic from our lectures in the form of an eLearning video. Application deadline is October 5, 2022.
Further Information
July 25, 2022: For the 20th anniversary of the department, the current FED team met with alumni and families on July 15, 2022 to celebrate together. During an interesting day program, a lively exchange took place.
Current Team and Alumni
July 11, 2022: In the coming semester, we will offer a seminar entitled "Green Finance - What does sustainability cost?" for Bachelor students. The application deadline for participation is October 7. More information can be found here.
Announcement (German)
July 4, 2022: On July 19, 2022 at 2:00 pm (in the timeslot of the investments lecture) a practical lecture on bond markets will be held by DZ BANK AG. For more information, please click on the link below. We look forward to your participation!
Further Information (German)
June 28, 2022: For our DFG research group "Financial Markets and Frictions" we announce a research grant explicitly for female scientists. The application deadline is August 31, 2022.
Current Projects
June 28, 2022: In this year's Dialog Day of the KIT-Department of Economics an Management, Dr. Reichenbacher's dissertation was awarded the 2021 Science Award of the KIT-Department of Economics and Management in the subject of Business Administration. In addition, Dr. Eberbach again received the Teaching Award SS21 for the exercise Investments.
Further Awards
May 10, 2022: On May 18, 2022 at 3:45pm (in timeslot of derivatives exercise) there will be a practical lecture on tregulation of derivative financial instruments by PwC
GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. Further information can be found under the link below. We are looking forward to your participation!

April 22, 2022: The exam review of WS 21/22 will take place on May 2, 2022 at our office in Blücherstraße. Further details can be found under the following link.
March 21, 2022: In the coming semester, we will offer the seminar "Machine Learning Stock Returns with Option Data" for master students. The application period runs until April 1, 2022.
Our Current Seminars
December 23, 2021: We are very pleased about the approval of the German Research Foundation for our proposed research group "Financial Markets and Frictions - an Intermediary Asset Pricing Approach". Start of the project is January 2022.
Current Projects
December 20, 2021: Congratulations to Rico Mix on being accepted into the WiWi-Talents gifted program. Our chair also gets an award! Please find further informations on the programm using the link below.
December 15, 2021: The Master's thesis "Measuring European CO2 Policy Uncertainty and its Impact on Financial Markets" by Daniel Wiswesser has been proposed and accepted for the Sparkassen-Umwelt-Preis 2021. The prize will be awarded to him at a ceremony in summer 2022.
Awarded Theses
December 1, 2021: Johannes Dinger has also won the BAI Science Award of the Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. with his master thesis "Sources Behind the Variance Risk Premium on German Treasury Bond Markets".
Awarded Theses
October 10, 2021: In the coming semester, we offer the course Bond Markets, which covers the basics of pricing fixed-income securities and examines interest rate, credit and liquidity risks. Together with its two sister courses Bond Markets - Models and Derivatives (ILIAS) and Bond Markets - Tools and Applications (ILIAS), both of which also take place in the winter semester, it can be combined into one module. We would be pleased to welcome you to these events!
ILIAS Bond Markets
June 24, 2021: During the annual faculty celebration, the teaching awards for the winter semester 2020/21 were presented. Prof. Dr. Uhrig-Homburg and the tutor Philipp Cölsch were awarded a teaching prize for the new lecture "Bond Markets" and the corresponding exercises. In addition, our seminar "Finance in a nutshell - production of an eLearning video" with the supervisors Philipp Cölsch, Fabian Eska and Prof. Dr. Uhrig-Homburg was awarded.
Our Teaching AwardsJune 14, 2021: Johannes Dinger's bachelor thesis "Sources behind the Variance Risk Premium on German Government Bond Markets" comes in 2nd Place of the Research Award of the Swiss Derivative Awards 2021. We congratulate!
Awarded Theses
May 7, 2021: The master's thesis "Capital requirements and option returns" by our colleague Caroline Grauer has been awarded by the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation 2020 study prize. Congratulations!
Awarded Theses
April 6, 2021: The exams of the winter semester 2020/21 can be viewed between April 26 and April 29 in Blücherstraße 17. Please note that registration for viewing is mandatory.
Detailled Information (German)January 26, 2021: Burak Sarac's bachelor thesis "Variance risk premiums on German government bonds" was selected by Junior Management Science as one of the best final theses in the area of business administration in the DACH region.
Awarded Theses
January 25, 2021: In the upcoming summer semester 2021 we will offer the "Master-Seminar in Finance " on the topic "Corona Crisis and Financial Markets". In this seminar, we would like to explore the question of how dangerous the virus is for the capital markets. All information about the seminar and the organizational procedure can be found on the Wiwi-Portal and on our homepage.
Our current seminars
January 13, 2021 The energy transition requires a completely new market design. Households are becoming prosumers, energy supply can often be thought of more locally, supply is becoming more volatile, new risks must be included, and opportunities must be exploited. Our joint project with Wolf Fichtner, Martin Klarmann, and Nora Szech on these topics will be financed by funds available to KIT from the federal government's Excellence Strategy.
Currently funded projects
December 12, 2020: For the research projects at our chair we have to assign a trainee position (f/m/d). We also have vacancies for student assistants (f/m/d) and a research assistant (f/m/d). We are looking forward to your application!
To the job postings
Decmber 4, 2020: Jelena Eberbach has received a teaching award from the KIT Department of Economics and Management for her course "Übungen in Investments" in the summer semester 2020. Congratulations!
Teaching Awards
November 26, 2020: Dr. Michael Hofmann was awarded the Science Prize 2019 of the KIT-Department of Economics and Managment in the category business administration for his dissertation "Frictions, Intermediaries, and the Option Market". Congratulations!
Details and video message
October 19, 2020: To support our teaching and research activities we are looking for a student assistant (f/m/d). Furthermore, there is vacancy for a research assistant (f/m/d) at our chair. We are looking forward to your application.
October 12, 2020: The exams of the summer semester 2020 can be viewed between November 9 and November 12. Please note that registration for viewing is mandatory.
Detailled Information
October 5, 2020: Our long-standing colleague Dr. Philipp Schuster has taken over the Chair of Finance at the University of Stuttgart from October 1st, 2020. We wish him all the best for the future!
September 30, 2020: The preliminary results of the exam for our lecture Blockchains & Cryptofinance are published as well.
To Campus-Management-System
September 9, 2020: We now have published the preliminary results of the exams for our lectures Investments and Derivatives on the Campus Management System too. As soon as we have any details on the post-exam review, we let you know on our homepage.
To Campus-Management-System
September 1, 2020: The preliminary results of the exam for the lecture Asset Pricing are published in the Campus Management Portal. We will inform you about the post-exam review here soon.
Information on Examinations
August 3, 2020: For the exams of the summer semester 2020 the changed examination regulations have to be observed. These are adapted to the currenct pandemic conditions. Please note the allocation of arrival times, in particular.
Detailed information
July 15, 2020: Starting in the coming winter semester, we are offering three new courses for Master students on bond markets.
Further information
July 6, 2020: The exams of the winter semester 2019/20 are open for review between July 20 and 22. Please note that registration for reviewing is mandatory.
Further information on registration
July 1, 2020: Are you interested in financial markets and do you want to conduct research in this area? Would you like to strengthen our team in current research questions and teaching activities? Then send your application to us!
July 1, 2020: The dissertation of Dr. Michael Hofmann "Frictions, Intermediaries, and the Option Market" was nominated for the Swiss Derivate Award 2020.
Further Information
June 19, 2020: Prof. Uhrig-Homburg, Dr. Schuster and Prof. Theissen (University of Mannheim) have published an article on financial applications of the blockchain technology in Schmalenbach's Journal for Business Administration together.
To the Article
May 28, 2020: The master thesis of Niklas Grammig was awarded with the faculty prize 2020 of the KIT Department of Economics and Management. Katharina Reiff won the BAI-Wissenschaftspreis of the Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (Federal Association of Alternative Investments) with her master thesis.
Further Information
May 6, 2020: The current corona crisis makes it difficult for many students to get an internship position. Therefore, we want to give students the opportunity to do an internship at our chair. This can be approved as a mandatory internship which is required by the Prüfungsordnung.
To the job posting
May 4, 2020: Due to the Covid-19-pandemic, the secretariat can still only be reached by e-mail or telephone (+49 721/608-48183). Please try again if there are connection problems. The team can also be reached via their personal KIT e-mail addresses.