Short Biography
- Currently: Chair of Department III, Chair of Finance, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart
- 2019: Habilitation, venia legendi for the subject Business Administration, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
- 2017 - 2020: Head of Junior Research Group, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
- 2014 - 2017: Post Doctoral Reserach Fellow, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
- 2010 - 2014: Dr. rer. pol. (summa cum laude), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
- 2014: Visiting Scholar, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg (VA)
- 2004 - 2009: Industrial Engineering and Management, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe
- 2007 - 2008: Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (GA)
- Blockchains & Cryptofinance WS2019/20
- Blockchains & Cryptofinance WS2018/19
- Fixed-income securities WS2017/18
- Fixed-income securities WS2016/17
- Fixed-income securities WS2015/16
- Credit risks WS2015/16
Research Focus
- Measurement and empirical analysis of friction and liquidity
- Modelling of liquidity risk
- Asset Pricing
- Bond and options markets
- Structured products
Menkveld, A. J.; Dreber, A.; Holzmeister, F.; Huber, J.; Johannesson, M.; Kirchler, M.; Neusüß, S.; Razen, M.; Weitzel, U. T. Z.; Abad-Díaz, D.; Abudy, M.; Adrian, T.; Ait-Sahalia, Y.; Akmansoy, O.; Alcock, J.; Alexeev, V.; Aloosh, A.; Amato, L.; Amaya, D.; Angel, J. J.; Avetikian, A. T.; Bach, A.; Baidoo, E.; Bakalli, G.; Bao, L.; Barbon, A.; Bashchenko, O.; Bindra, P. C.; Bjønnes, G. H.; Black, J. R.; Black, B. S.; Bogoev, D.; Correa, S. B.; Bondarenko, O.; Bos, C. S.; Bosch-Rosa, C.; Bouri, E.; Brownlees, C.; Calamia, A.; Cao, V. N.; Capelle-Blancard, G.; Romero, L. M. C.; Caporin, M.; Carrion, A.; Caskurlu, T.; Chakrabarty, B.; Chen, J.; Chernov, M.; Cheung, W.; Chincarini, L. B.; Chordia, T.; Chow, S.-C.; Clapham, B.; Colliard, J.-D.; Comerton-Forde, C.; Curran, E.; Dao, T.; Dare, W.; Davies, R. J.; Blasis, R. de; Nard, G. F. de; Declerck, F.; Deev, O.; Degryse, H.; Deku, S. Y.; Desagre, C.; Dijk, M. A. V.; Dim, C.; Dimpfl, T.; Dong, Y. J.; Drummond, P. A.; Dudda, T.; Duevski, T.; Dumitrescu, A.; Dyakov, T.; Dyhrberg, A. H.; Dzieliński, M.; Eksi, A.; Kalak, I. E.; Ellen, S. ter; Eugster, N.; Evans, M. D. D.; Farrell, M.; Felez-Vinas, E.; Ferrara, G.; Ferrouhi, E. M.; Flori, A.; Fluharty-Jaidee, J. T.; Foley, S. D. V.; Fong, K. Y. L.; Foucault, T.; Franus, T.; Franzoni, F.; Frijns, B.; Frömmel, M.; Fu, S. M.; Füllbrunn, S. C.; Gan, B.; Gao, G.; Gehrig, T. P.; Gemayel, R.; Gerritsen, D.; Gil-Bazo, J.; Gilder, D.; Glosten, L. R.; Gomez, T.; Gorbenko, A.; Grammig, J.; Grégoire, V.; Güçbilmez, U.; Hagströmer, B.; Hambuckers, J.; Hapnes, E.; Harris, J. H.; Harris, L.; Hartmann, S.; Hasse, J.-B.; Hautsch, N.; He, X.-Z.; Heath, D.; Hediger, S.; Hendershott, T.; Hibbert, A. M.; Hjalmarsson, E.; Hoelscher, S. A.; Hoffmann, P.; Holden, C. W.; Horenstein, A. R.; Huang, W.; Huang, D.; Hurlin, C.; Ilczuk, K.; Ivashchenko, A.; Iyer, S. R.; Jahanshahloo, H.; Jalkh, N.; Jones, C. M.; Jurkatis, S.; Jylhä, P.; Kaeck, A. T.; Kaiser, G.; Karam, A.; Karmaziene, E.; Kassner, B.; Kaustia, M.; Kazak, E.; Kearney, F.; Kervel, V. van; Khan, S. A.; Khomyn, M. K.; Klein, T.; Klein, O.; Klos, A.; Koetter, M.; Kolokolov, A.; Korajczyk, R. A.; Kozhan, R.; Krahnen, J. P.; Kuhle, P.; Kwan, A.; Lajaunie, Q.; Lam, F. Y. E. C.; Lambert, M.; Langlois, H.; Lausen, J.; Lauter, T.; Leippold, M.; Levin, V.; Li, Y.; Li, H.; Liew, C. Y.; Lindner, T.; Linton, O.; Liu, J.; Liu, A.; Llorente, G.; Lof, M.; Lohr, A.; Longstaff, F.; Lopez-Lira, A.; Mankad, S.; Mano, N.; Marchal, A.; Martineau, C.; Mazzola, F.; Meloso, D.; Mi, M. G.; Mihet, R.; Mohan, V.; Moinas, S.; Moore, D.; Mu, L.; Muravyev, D.; Murphy, D.; Neszveda, G.; Neumeier, C.; Nielsson, U.; Nimalendran, M.; Nolte, S.; Norden, L. L.; O’neill, P.; Obaid, K.; Ødegaard, B. A.; Östberg, P.; Pagnotta, E.; Painter, M.; Palan, S.; Palit, I. J.; Park, A.; Pascual, R.; Pasquariello, P.; Pastor, L.; Patel, V.; Patton, A. J.; Pearson, N. D.; Pelizzon, L.; Pelli, M.; Pelster, M.; Pérignon, C.; Pfiffer, C.; Philip, R.; Plíhal, T.; Prakash, P.; Press, O.-A.; Prodromou, T.; Prokopczuk, M.; Putnins, T.; Qian, Y.; Raizada, G.; Rakowski, D.; Ranaldo, A.; Regis, L.; Reitz, S.; Renault, T.; Renjie, R. W.; Reno, R.; Riddiough, S. J.; Rinne, K.; Rintamäki, P.; Riordan, R.; Rittmannsberger, T.; Longarela, I. R.; Roesch, D.; Rognone, L.; Roseman, B.; Roşu, I.; Roy, S.; Rudolf, N.; Rush, S. R.; Rzayev, K.; Rzeźnik, A. A.; Sanford, A.; Sankaran, H.; Sarkar, A.; Sarno, L.; Scaillet, O.; Scharnowski, S.; Schenk-Hoppé, K. R.; Schertler, A.; Schneider, M.; Schroeder, F.; Schürhoff, N.; Schuster, P.; Schwarz, M. A.; Seasholes, M. S.; Seeger, N. J.; Shachar, O.; Shkilko, A.; Shui, J.; Sikic, M.; Simion, G.; Smales, L. A.; Söderlind, P.; Sojli, E.; Sokolov, K.; Sönksen, J.; Spokeviciute, L.; Stefanova, D.; Subrahmanyam, M. G.; Szaszi, B.; Talavera, O.; Tang, Y.; Taylor, N.; Tham, W. W.; Theissen, E.; Thimme, J.; Tonks, I.; Tran, H.; Trapin, L.; Trolle, A. B.; Vaduva, M. A.; Valente, G.; Ness, R. A. V.; Vasquez, A.; Verousis, T.; Verwijmeren, P.; Vilhelmsson, A.; Vilkov, G.; Vladimirov, V.; Vogel, S.; Voigt, S.; Wagner, W.; Walther, T.; Weiss, P.; Wel, M. van der; Werner, I. M.; Westerholm, P. J.; Westheide, C.; Wika, H. C.; Wipplinger, E.; Wolf, M.; Wolff, C. C. P.; Wolk, L.; Wong, W.-K.; Wrampelmeyer, J.; Wu, Z.-X.; Xia, S.; Xiu, D.; Xu, K.; Xu, C.; Yadav, P. K.; Yagüe, J.; Yan, C.; Yang, A.; Yoo, W.; Yu, W.; Yu, Y.; Yu, S.; Yueshen, B. Z.; Yuferova, D.; Zamojski, M.; Zareei, A.; Zeisberger, S. M.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, S. S.; Zhang, X.; Zhao, L.; Zhong, Z.; Zhou, Z. I.; Zhou, C.; Zhu, X. S.; Zoican, M.; Zwinkels, R. (2024). Nonstandard Errors. The Journal of Finance, 79 (3), 2339–2390. doi:10.1111/jofi.13337
Reichenbacher, M.; Schuster, P. (2022). Size-Adapted Bond Liquidity Measures and Their Asset Pricing Implications. Journal of financial economics, 146 (2), 425–443. doi:10.1016/j.jfineco.2022.07.010
Schuster, P. (2020). Trade-size related frictions in bond markets. habilitation thesis. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
Schuster, P.; Theissen, E.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. (2020). Finanzwirtschaftliche Anwendungen der Blockchaintechnologie. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, (72), 125–147. doi:10.1007/s41471-020-00090-5
Gehde-Trapp, M.; Schuster, P.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. (2018). The Term Structure of Bond Liquidity. Journal of financial and quantitative analysis, 53 (5), 2161–2197. doi:10.1017/S0022109018000364
Atanasov, V.; Merrick, J. J.; Schuster, P. (2017). Why Do Dealers Buy High and Sell Low? An Analysis of Persistent Crossing in Extremely Segmented Markets. Review of finance, 21 (2), 719–760. doi:10.1093/rof/rfw033
Schuster, P.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. (2016). How Times of Stress Change the Behavior of Illiquidity Premiums. Jahrbuch 2016 = Yearbook 2016. Hrsg.: Frankfurter Institut für Risikomanagement und Regulierung, 218–220, Gesellschaft für Risikomanagement und Regulierung e.V.
Schestag, R.; Schuster, P.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. (2016). Measuring Liquidity in Bond Markets. The review of financial studies, 29 (5), 1170–1219. doi:10.1093/rfs/hhv132
Schuster, P.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. (2015). Limits to arbitrage and the term structure of bond illiquidity premiums. Journal of banking and finance, 57, 143–159. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2014.10.016
Working Papers
- Reichenbacher, M.; Schuster, P.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. (2020), Expected Bond Liquidity.
- Atanasov, V.A.; Merrick, J.J., Schuster, P. (2019), Mismarking Fraud in Mutual Funds.
- Reichenbacher, M.; Schuster, P. (2019), Size-Adapted Bond Liquidity Measures and Their Asset Pricing Implications.
- Fraud in Open-End Mutual Funds: FMA 2017, Boston*; Ninth Professional Asset Management Conference 2018, Rotterdam*; DGF 2018, Trier; Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Europe 2018, Leuven*
- Size-Adapted Bond Liquidity Measures and their Asset Pricing Implications: WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Valendar 2017; SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop 2018, Frankfurt; University of Hohenheim, Hohenheim 2018; Financial Management Association Annual Meeting 2019, New Orleans
- Why Do Dealers Buy High and Sell Low? An Analysis of Persistent Crossing in Extremely Segmented Markets: DGF 2015, Leipzig; Auckland Finance Meeting 2015*; Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Real Estate Conference 2015*; Western Economic Association International Annual Conference 2016, Portland*; U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)*
- Measuring Liquidity in Bond Markets: DGF 2013, Wuppertal; Market Microstructure Conference 2014 (Poster Session), Paris; FIRM Research Conference 2016, Montabaur
- A Heterogeneous Agents Equilibrium Model for the Term Structure of Bond Market Liquidity: International Forum on Liquidity Risk 2013, Paris; FMA European Conference 2013, Luxembourg; DGF 2013, Wuppertal; Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) 2015, Vienna; Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen 2015; Mason School of Business, Williamsburg 2016
- The Term Structure of Bond Market Liquidity Conditional on the Economic Environment: An Analysis of Government Guaranteed Bonds: Workshop Financial Markets & Risk 2010, Obergurgl; DGF 2011 (Ph.D. Workshop), Regensburg; Deutsche Bundesbank 2011, Frankfurt; SGF 2012, Zurich; DGF 2012, Hannover; DZ Bank AG 2012, Frankfurt; FMA 2012, Atlanta (GA)
* Presented by coauthor(s)
Public Attention
- Ignites, August 20, 2019: "Academics Sound Alarm on Potential Pricing Fraud in Bond Funds".
- BoardIQ, August 13, 2019: "Some Fundes Overvalue Holdings to Boost Returns: Study".
- Börsenzeitung, February 25, 2017: "Better risk management thanks to liquidity measurement".
- Börsenzeitung, July 7, 2016: "Models for measuring risks".
- Institutional Money, July 5, 2016: "FIRM awards prize for dissertation on liquidity in bond markets".
- Börsenzeitung, April 22, 2015: "DAI university prize awarded".